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On Names

  Note : There are a lot of external links in this post. None of them should be affiliate links If they are, please let me know . Note2 : This has been bouncing around in my brain informally for a while, but putting it to pixel was prompted by Rook’s post on names on Beneath Foreign Planets as part of the RPG Blog Carnival .  There’s a lot of great material that comes from these prompts. I encourage you, dear reader, to check that out. Note3 : Link to the GDoc version this post was originally composed in. On Names One of the holes new Game Masters fall into while playing D&D-esque games is names. I’ll start with random NPC names first, to get the subject out of the way:  Make a d20 or d100 list of names for each gender, and for families.  Either stick it on the fourth panel of your DM screen, or pre-roll five of each, and stick those lists on your fourth panel. If you need a list of real world names, use an onomastikon .   Onomastikon “What is an onomasticon?” you ask, in Engli
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The Slain Dragon

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Empedocles' Feast Framework

Link to Google Doc version to this draft: This was prompted as part of the March 2024 Blog Carnival, with a topic of " Feasts, Foods, & Fancy Drink, oh my! " Edit: Here's the month end round up of this prompt . Tables to generate feasts in my Tressagros setting, which is vaguely reminiscent of the Mediterranean coast in the late Roman Empire.  Gods honored are noted in parentheses. The tables are broken into four sections:  who and what the feast is for, what happens, intentionally or not, what’s served (meager hosts might not have all courses, wealthier hosts provide more options), and what does one’s behavior earn them. The Event Who Throws the Feast?  1d6L (1d6L: roll two dice, usee the lower) A freehold farmer who has benefited from the PC’s actions. A merchant the PCs frequently supply or purchase from. A local priest or lay religious officer A local mayor or council