Through September Attronarch of Attronarch's Athenaeum is hosting September 2024's RPG Blog Carnival! The theme is Wondrous Weapons and Damning Dweomers . In relation to that, I would like to talk about the elements of generating a magical weapon with a touch more depth than Old Gary got into. Typical D&D weapons provide a benefit, but with no drawback. This is great as far as it goes, but I believe a little more thought should be put into it, since each weapon should have the following elements: A numeric bonus An allegiance An intended enemy A weapon effect A side-effect First, I believe all magic weapons should have a numeric bonus, even if it's just +1 to hit and damage. Call me old-fashioned. Second, gentle reader, all weapons should have some sort of magical effect, even if it's just an elemental damage bonus. Weapons are made for a purpose, and are made by some person or group. The makers of the weapon set the allegiance. That doesn'...
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