I'd recommend only a third to a sixth of graves have anything as effective as these at all, although the rest could have perfectly normal versions of the below which haven't been possessed by their grave's occupants.
1d3 Blue Incense Sticks: Makes the air smell nice. When infused by owner's spirit: Calms spirits (roll their morale-2) for three rounds, if they fail they go calm until triggered. If re-triggered, the first target whomever lit these sticks.
Ivory Prayer Beads: Counts prayers. When infused by owner's spirit: When used for a prayer, provide bonus of bless for one hour once each week. User must donate level x 10 gp to this religion's temple before it can be used again.
Burial Shroud: Covers the face of a corpse as it is buried. When infused by owner's spirit: While on a corpse, for the purposes of Raise Dead, count each day as a half day. Roll a d20 each day, on a result of 1, this gets tattered, next 1 it disintegrates.
Ouija Board: Focuses divination energies. When infused by owner's spirit: Ask 3+CHA mod questions of dead each week. After last question, roll a d20, on a result of 1, the user is cursed until they appease the spirit.
Ferry Fare: Pays the ferryman to cross into the underworld. When infused by owner's spirit: Two coins on eyes of corpse, or in pouch around neck or wrist: whomever takes gets -1 to death saves while they posses it (including in vaults, banks, etc.), until given to Charon.
Woodman's Axe: Fells trees. Does 1d6 dmg. When infused by owner's spirit: +4 damage against plant monsters and constructs made of wood. -1 to reaction checks with plant creatures.
Blacksmith's hammer: Hammers hot metal.1d6 dmg. When infused by owner's spirit: +4 damage against metallic creatures and constructs. -1 to reaction checks with metallic creatures.
Scribe's pen: Writes ink on paper or parchment. When infused by owner's spirit: If put in a filled inkwell next to paper or papyrus, will start writing was is said. Can be stopped by being grabbed. One hour per day.
Dull knife: Helps ithe kitchen prep work. 1d2 dmg. When infused by owner's spirit: Whomever holds this cannot be scryed by evil creatures.
Short rope with a hangman's noose: Kills people. When infused by owner's spirit: When worn, -1 on reaction checks with lawful characters, but must be removed before character can die.
Barber's blade: Gives haircuts or lets blood. 1d2 dmg as a weapon. When infused by owner's spirit: Target loses 1 hp/round until healed. +1 hp/die healed from spells or effects of carrier.
Tailor's shears/seamstress's shears: Cuts fabric. -4 to hit, 1d2 dmg as a weapon. When infused by owner's spirit: cleanly cut any fabric or material that any blade could cut. Does 1d8 dmg on creatures made of fabric. If used on something that would take hacking, it works in one round, but on a roll of 1 on 1d6 the blade then shatters.
Farmer's Almanac: Predicts the rain fall and other aspects of weather. When infused by owner's spirit: Gain a +1 bonus on predicting weather, and +1 on all environment related saves in "normal" environments (fields, forests, not lava pools)
Judge's gavel: Gets attention from those in a room. -4 to hit, 1d2 dmg as a weapon. When infused by owner's spirit: When struck against a flat surface, everyone within 60' must stop what they are doing and pay attention to wielder. Can take an action to remember by passing a wand save. Triggers a wandering monster check in a dungeon.
Duelist's blade: Kills people. 1d4 dmg. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d4 dmg, +1d6 on natural 20. Someone hit by the blade in the last round must attack the wielder as vigourously as possible on their action.
Cutpurse's blade: Cuts pockets open. -4 to hit, 1d2 dmg as a weapon. When infused by owner's spirit: +15% to pick pockets, but pocket then has a hole in the bottom. Tends to cut holes in pockets it's put in at most inconvenient times.
Cook's Spoon: Stirs pots. -4 to hit, 1d2 dmg as a weapon. When infused by owner's spirit: If used while cooking, provides a +8 bonus to saves vs. poison from consuming the food cooked.
Mother's Apron: Keeps dresses clean. When infused by owner's spirit: If worn 8 hours/day for the past week, once per day allows the wearer to know the location of someone they have seen each of those days, if within a mile, or the direction to they are in if further.
Gardener's pruning sheers: Prunes vegetation. -4 to hit, 1d4 dmg as a weapon. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d2 damage, 1d10 damage against plant monsters. Add an additional die and take two worst to reaction checks with plant creatures.
Farrier's Hammer: Shoes a horse. 1d6 dmg as a weapon. When infused by owner's spirit: When used to shoe a horse, reaction rolls with that horse gain a +1 bonus.
Wizard Apprentice's Ring: Signifies someone as a wizard's apprentice. When infused by owner's spirit: When the ring has been worn for a month by a magic user, it gains a spell slot. If the slot is empty, it provides a first save against any first level targetting the wearer. If that save is successful, the wearer is unaffected, and the slot is filled with that spell. The wearer can then cast that spell from the ring (emptying that slot), or spend a day to copy that spell to their spell book.
Acolyte's Pendent: Signifies someone as a religious acolyte. When infused by owner's spirit: When the amulet has been worn for a month by a cleric, it gains a spell slot. If the slot is empty, the cleric can cast a first level spell into the amulet, then later cast it as normal, emptying the spell slot.
Guardsman's Whistle: Signals to other guardsmen. When infused by owner's spirit: When this whistle is blown, everyone who has spent at least eight hours a day with the Guardsman can hear it as well, without being deafened, provided they're within a mile. They will know the direction the sound came from. Sounds like a normal whistle to everyone else.
Horseman's Crop: Forces a horse to keep running. When infused by owner's spirit: When forcing a horse or other equine to keep riding using this crop, it gives the animal a +8 bonus to continue to do so, for up to three more hours.
Old Smoking Pipe: Calms and focuses a person. When infused by owner's spirit: When the character sits with the pipe for at least three turns, they can re-roll one knowledge that they failed that day, or get one additional piece of information about a topic they have investigated or thought about extensively that day.
Brandy Flask: Stores alcohol for drinking. When infused by owner's spirit: When someone drinks from the flask, they gain 1d3 temporary hp but have -1 on all checks for a full day. Drinking more than once on a given day from the flask increases the penalty, but does not increase hit points.
Miner's Cap: Helps with lighting while digging in tunnels. When infused by owner's spirit: Has a slot for a candle, with a bronze reflector behind it. When a candle is set and lit, it provides good light ten feet in front of the wearer, but is visible to anyone else.
Jeweller's Cap: Helps to see fine details of small things. When infused by owner's spirit: Has a pair of lenses that can have their positioning adjusted. Provides a +15% bonus on disarm traps checks for thieves, or allows a 10% chance for non-thieves.
Silver Holy Symbol: Appeases the gods. When infused by owner's spirit: For god of 1. Light; 2. Law & Civilization; 3. Strength; 4. Farming; 5. Healing; 6. Death; 7. Travel; 8. Assassins; 9. Monsters; 10. Undeath
Archer's Bracers: Protects arms while using a bow. When infused by owner's spirit: Provide a +1 bonus to damage with a bow and arrows, and a +1 bonus to AC against missile fire.
Amber Prayer Beads: Counts prayers. When infused by owner's spirit: After owner has them for a month, when used for a prayer, heal one point of attribute damage once per month.
Silver Amulet: Protects against something. When infused by owner's spirit: When worn, prevent the wearer from being turned into a lycanthrope, and reduce damage from lycanthrope's attacks by 2.
Platinum Amulet: Protects against something. When infused by owner's spirit: When worn, prevent the wearer from being turned into undead. Instead, the wearer dies, and the body becomes innert and cannot be animated.
Bust Statuette of Deceased: Remind people of someone else. When infused by owner's spirit: When a cup of strong alcohol is placed in front of the statuette and the deceased is named, allows three questions to be asked of the deceased, based on what they knew when alive.
Butcher's Cleaver: Prepare cuts of meat. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d4 damage, -1 to hit. On a natural 20 to attack, roll again. If it's also a natural 20, the target loses a limb.
A Pair of Gambler's Dice: Win at games of chance. When infused by owner's spirit: They're loaded d6s so they tend to toss sixes. (If one's not a six, re-roll it and keep that result instead).
Bronze Belt Buckle (horse): Keep a belt together and share personality. When infused by owner's spirit: +1 to checks to avoid getting thrown, calm an animal, or get it to do what you want. Favored by farriers.
Bronze Belt Buckle (wheatfield): Keep a belt together and share personality. When infused by owner's spirit: Increase the yield of a farm you work for the whole year by 10%.
Bronze Belt Buckle (cow): Keep a belt together and share personality. When infused by owner's spirit: +1 to checks to calm a cattle, or get them to do what you want. 10% more milk from dairy cows.
Stainless Steel Needles: Sew. When infused by owner's spirit: They're already special!
Silver Mirror: See things indirectly. When infused by owner's spirit: Additional +1 to reaction checks for the day, if you spend an hour grooming yourself each morning.
Chains wrapped around the occupant: Secure things.... Including corpses. When infused by owner's spirit: Keep the occupant from being animated while they're wrapped in the chains.
Riding Spurs: Encourage a mount. When infused by owner's spirit: If worn while riding, allow once per day for the animal to be goaded to move an extra ten feet for one round, but cause a -1 to all handling checks for that animal for the balance of that day.
Marine's Saber: Engage in combat. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d6 damage, +1 AC when fighting on unstable surfaces.
Diviner's Magnifying Glass: Examine things. When infused by owner's spirit: If a "Detect" spell is cast through the lens, when that spell expires, the possessor of this magnifying glass will be able to continue to have the effect last at within six inches for six additional turns.
Thug's cudgel: Solve problems. When infused by owner's spirit: As mace, provides +1 damage to to attacks against humans, demi-humans, and humanoids, and +1d6 for sneak attacks against them.
Excorcist's Symbol: Appease the gods. When infused by owner's spirit: Allows a non-cleric to turn as a first level cleric once per week, or allows the tossing of three dice for a turning check, taking the best two. Undead preferentially attack the carrier of this symbol.
Spicy Salami: Satisfy hunger. When infused by owner's spirit: Perfectly good salami. When eaten while sick, it allows an additional free check to heal from disease.
Baker's rolling pin: Flatten dough. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d4 blunt dmg. On a natural 20, invisible targets are covered in flower. When baking bread or making pasta, increases yield by 10%.
Huntsman's bow: Hunting. When infused by owner's spirit: Shortbow. When hunting, wielder gets +1 to all related checks.
1d3 Red Incense Sticks: Make the air smell nice. When infused by owner's spirit: Enrage local spirits. Attack everyone around them except person who lit, for 1d3-1 damage each round for 1d6+1 rounds, when they burn out.
Bone Prayer Beads: Used to count prayers. When infused by owner's spirit: When used for a prayer, provide bonus of protection from evil for one hour once each week. User must donate level x 10 gp to this religion's temple before it can be used again.
Death Shroud: Cover the face of a corpse as it is buried. When infused by owner's spirit: While worn by a living person, they are invisible to undead, and can see in the dark. Roll a d20 each day worn or time removed, on a result of 1, this gets tattered, next 1 it disintegrates.
Archer's Bow.: Kill creatures. When infused by owner's spirit: Shortbow. Wielder may take, -2 to AC, to get +1 to hit.
Caravan Guard's Sword: Engage in combat. When infused by owner's spirit: Wielder gains a save vs. sleep spells, +1 bonus to avoid sleeping, and a +1 bonus to saves against spells other than sleep.
Firefighter's Axe: Cut through doors quickly. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d6-1 dmg, automatically destroy doors in one round.
Mason's Hammer: Build structures. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d6 dmg, +4 damage against stone creatures and constructs. -1 to reaction checks with stone creatures.
Forger's Pen: Write. When infused by owner's spirit: If forging a document, roll twice on forgery check, taking the better result. Roll 1d20, breaks on a 1.
Brittle Knife: Engage in desperate combat. When infused by owner's spirit: Does 1d3 dmg. When attacking an outsider (elemental, angel, demon, devil, etc.), on a natural 20, does 1d20 dmg. If the damage roll is 20, it shatteres, doing 100 damage.
Dancer's Slippers: Move gracefully. When infused by owner's spirit: Wearer gets +1 to balance checks and checks to impress by dancing, but when moving through rough terrain, have a 1 in 10 chance per turn of being damaged, then destroyed. Repairing takes 1 hour, a needle and thread.
Filleting Knife: Prepare cuts of meat. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d2 dmg, on a natural 20, cut a muscle loose, creature is -2 to Strength.
Florist's Shears: Prepare flowers. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d2 dmg. Can spend a turn making a floral arrangement, which provides an additional +1 bonus to reaction checks for the person giving the flowers to the target.
Atlas of the stars: Navigate. When infused by owner's spirit: Gain a +1 bonus on nighttime navigation checks with clear skies.
Cobbler's hammer: Make shoes. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d2 dmg. When crafting footwear, roll an additional die, and use the best result.
Guardsman's Blade: Engage in combat. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d4 dmg, stun humanoid of less than 3HD on natural 20 for 1 round.
Ranger's Cloak: Stay warm and inconspicuous in the wilderness. When infused by owner's spirit: Provides +10% bonus to hide in shadows, or 15% chance for those who don't already have that ability.
Assassin's Stilleto: Kill people. When infused by owner's spirit: Narrow dagger. Provides +1 to attack a target who is unaware, while doing 1d6 dmg and adds one to backstab multiplier.
Apothecar's Apron: Protect self from reagents. When infused by owner's spirit: If worn 8 hours/day for the past week, once per day allows the wearer to have an extra dose of a potion, balm, or herbal remedy if providing three doses of the same thing.
Pipefitter's sheers: Cut sheets of metal. When infused by owner's spirit: 1d2 damage, 1d6 damage against metal monsters. Add an additional die and take two worst to reaction checks with metal creatures.
Carpenter's Hammer: Drive nails into wood, at least by intent. When infused by owner's spirit: Does 1d3 dmg as a weapon. When doing carpentry skill checks, roll an additional die and use the best result.
Abjurer's ring: Protect against magic and supernatural threats. When infused by owner's spirit: When the ring has been worn for a month by a magic user, it gains a spell slot. If the slot is empty, it provides a first save against any first level targetting the wearer. If that save is successful, the wearer is unaffected, and the slot is filled with that spell. The wearer can then activate the ring to provide a +2 bonus for ten minutes to all saves against magic or effects caused by dragons or outsiders (angels, demons, devils, elementals, etc.)
Healer's Pendent: Heal members of a religion. When infused by owner's spirit: Worked into the image of a deity's holy symbol. When the pendent has been worn for a month by a cleric, it gains a spell slot. If the slot is empty, the cleric can cast a first level spell into the amulet, then later cast cure light wounds.
Decoy's Whistle: Fool people about the location of someone. When infused by owner's spirit: When this whistle is blown, everyone who has not spent at least eight hours a day with the wearer of this whistle can hear it as well, without being deafened, provided they're within a mile. They will know the direction the sound came from. Sounds like a normal whistle to everyone else.
Drover's Crop: Drive draft animals to haul largers loads. When infused by owner's spirit: When forcing a horse or other equine to keep riding using this crop, it allows the animal to pull 10% more weight. For each hour it is used, the horse takes one damage, and has a cumulative -1 to reaction checks until the end of the day.
New Smoking Pipe: Calm and focus. When infused by owner's spirit: When the character sits with the pipe for at least three turns, they get to use the better of two rolls on the next non-combat action they take.
Silver Flask: Drink alcohol When infused by owner's spirit: When someone drinks from the flask, they are immune to fear for 6 + 1d6 turns. Drinking more than once on a given day from the flask increases the penalty, but does not increase hit points.
Signet Ring: Mark a message as coming from a particular person. When infused by owner's spirit: Has a design on it for impression on wax seals. Provides +1 to reaction rolls for intended recipients.
Wooden Holy Symbol: Appease the gods. When infused by owner's spirit: For god of 1. Light; 2. Law & Civilization; 3. Strength; 4. Farming; 5. Healing; 6. Death; 7. Travel; 8. Assassins; 9. Monsters; 10. Undeath. Once per week allows a cleric to re-cast a 1st level cleric spell they cast that day.
Gold Holy Symbol: Appease the gods. When infused by owner's spirit: For god of 1. Light; 2. Law & Civilization; 3. Strength; 4. Farming; 5. Healing; 6. Death; 7. Travel; 8. Assassins; 9. Monsters; 10. Undeath
Defensive Bracers: Used to protect arms while using a bow. When infused by owner's spirit: The wearer of these bracers may choose to go "full defensive" rather than attacking, gaining +4 AC instead of the normal +2 AC.
Silver Prayer Beads: Used to count prayers. When infused by owner's spirit: After owner has them for a month, attacks by undead do one less damage per damage die to them.
Sun Pendent: Used to gain aid. When infused by owner's spirit: When worn, if undead are within 60' glows with a yellow light in a 10' radius. Any undead in this radius take -2 to attack for all attacks.
Gold Amulet: Protects against something. When infused by owner's spirit: When worn, undead have -4 to strike wearer, and prevents the wearer from being turned into undead, instead, the wearer dies, and the body becomes innert and cannot be animated.
Holy book in oilcloth bag in hinged box: Used to remember sacred teachings. When infused by owner's spirit: For god of 1. Light; 2. Law & Civilization; 3. Strength; 4. Farming; 5. Healing; 6. Death; 7. Travel; 8. Assassins; 9. Monsters; 10. Undeath. Provides +1 to reaction rolls when visible to worshippers, but also -1 to reaction rolls for those unfriendly to that deity.
Bronze Amulet: Protects against something. When infused by owner's spirit: Does 1d6 damage to five foot radius on contact with undead.
Iron Amulet: Protects against something. When infused by owner's spirit: If bound to a corpse, if that corpse becomes undead, or the soul that was in it is, it gains +1 HD.
Merchant's Scales Pendant: Encourage trade. When infused by owner's spirit: If worn, provides +1 bonus to reaction checks when buying or selling.
Merchant's Monocle: Confirm the value of coins. When infused by owner's spirit: When worn for at least one hour each day, wearer gets a 1 in 3 chance to identify coins actual value, including illusory and counterfeit coins.
Barber's Kettle: Keep attentive watch. When infused by owner's spirit: Anyone who drinks a beverage using water heated to boiling in this kettle gain a +1 bonus to checks to avoid falling asleep. Serving drinks made from the water boiled in this kettle grant the server a +1 bonus to reaction rolls from those drinking those beverages.
Monk's/Nun's Robes: Identify those who perpetuate a religion. When infused by owner's spirit: Anyone wearing these robes gain one step in reaction rolls from those who belong to the same religion these robes are styled for.
Dog Statuette: Decorate a space. When infused by owner's spirit: When the head is planted on soil or stone, and fresh blood is poured over this statuette, an invisible air elemental in the shape of a guard dog will appear (for some), and start barking if any non-extraplanar living creature approaching within 60' that the pourer of the blood continues a stranger or a danger. The barking is loud enough to wake anyone within thirty feet automatically. The dog elemental will bite anyone who is not the pourer trying to pick up the statuette, holding them fast and doing 1 hp of damage each turn, until the pourer orders them to be released. This effect lasts for eight hours.
Cat Statuette: Decorate a space. When infused by owner's spirit: When the head is planted on a level surface, and fresh blood is poured over this statuette, an invisible air elemental in the shape of a house cat will appear (for some), and kill any vermin large enough for a cat to be interested in. The remains of vermin dealt with will be planted beside the pourer. This effect lasts for eight hours. If a Dog Statuette is also active in this region, the two will be negated, and the sound of a dog and cat fighting will instead be heard for eight hours.
Rat Statuette: Decorate a space. When infused by owner's spirit: When the head is planted on a level surface, and fresh blood is poured over this statuette, all sounds within a 20' radius will be contained within the circle. This effect lasts for eight hours. If a Dog or Cat Statuette is also active in this region, the two will be negated, and the sound of a frustrated dog or cat will instead be heard for eight hours.
Gruel Pot: Cook food. When infused by owner's spirit: This pot works as normal, but will also turn any vegetation and a quart of water cooked for thirty minutes into edible nutritious food that tastes absolutely awful.
Linguist's Spectacles: Read documents. When infused by owner's spirit: If comprehend languages is cast through the lenses of these spectacles, they spell lasts for 6+1d6 turns instead.
First mate's cudgel: Keep crew in line. When infused by owner's spirit: As mace, does half subdual damage against humans, demi-humans, and humanoids, and +1 to strike.
Wizard's Hat: Ward off spirits, fae, incorporeal creatures, undead, and extraplanar creatures. When infused by owner's spirit: Normally provides +2 to AC and saves against incorporeal creatures, fairies, spirits, undead, and extraplanar creatures, but a -1 penalty on reaction rolls with non-wizards. One with a spirit bound to it instead provides +3 to AC and saves against those creatures.
Savoury Salami: Satisfy hunger. When infused by owner's spirit: Perfectly good salami. NPCs who eat it at a campfire gain a +1 morale bonus for the first combat of the next day, and everyone who eat it gain +1 to damage for that first combat of the next day.
New Moon Pendent: Used to gain aid. When infused by owner's spirit: Gives the wearer 20% to hide in shadows, or a +15 bonus if they already have the skill.
Full Moon Pendent: Used to gain aid. When infused by owner's spirit: Allows the wearer to see up ot ten feet in the light of any moon but a new moon.
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