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d100 Minion Identifying Characteristics

Identifying characteristics for particular minions. Reaction roll modifiers apply to its employer as well as itself.

Minion Identifying Characteristics

d%Entry Text
1.Always Late. Always rushing to where they're supposed to be, and always late getting there. Has a great sense of what the time currently is, but an absolutely horrid sense of how long it takes to get anywhere. Always has an excuse for why they are late.
2.Analytic. Thoroughly reviews problems in front of it, searching for discrepencies. +1 to find secret or hidden doors and mechanisms. Mumbles softly to self while reasoning things out.
3.Arachnophile. Loves anything related to spiders. Has spider motif clothing, and a pet spider. Immune to spider poisons. Carries a dagger with a spider motif (1d4 dmg).
4.Artistic Painter. Can credibly capture visual images. A basic sketch in one turn, a small detailed painting in an hour. Carries sheets of canvas, a wooden easel, sticks of charcoal, 3 brushes of various size, and 1d3+3 pigment containers.
5.Avian Lover. Has a pet avian, which obeys its spoken commands. It can move small weights through the air, and can act as a message courier.
6.Baker. Good strength. Turns flour, water, and a few other ingredients into baked goods. Has a rolling pin (as club), and 5 lb. bag of flour.
7.Bard. Has an instrument (1. Mandolin; 2. Flute; 3. Harp; 4. Accordian; 5. Bagpipes; 6. Hurdygurdy), and plays it well. Wears a hat (1. Foppish; 2. baseball; 3. deerstalker; 4. pork pie; 5. boater; 6. top hat).
8.Bashful. Painfully shy, to the point of being occasionally incapable of talking to anyone. Roll 1d6 for each attempt to speak. On a 1 or 2, the character is unable to do so. 1 in 6 chance of being unnoticed even when not attempting to hide.
9.Blacksmith. Very good strength. Can operate a forge with an anvil and smith's hammer to fabricate metal objects. Typically carries a blacksmith's hammer (1d6 dmg.).
10.Boastful. Goes on an on about their amazing deeds, most of which are made up. Always claims to have dealt with something similar to what the group is currently stymied by. Actually somewhat competent from having been called on its boasts so many times: +1 to attack and AC, -1 to reaction rolls.
11.Boss. Always tries to take charge and tell people what to do. Chews on 1. a tobacco pipe; 2. cigar; 3. cigarette; 4. tooth pick; 5. pen; 6. bubble gum.
12.Brawler. Very good strength. Pretty good in a brawl. Pretty eager to get into one. When grappling an opponent, can do 1d6 dmg per round to that opponent.
13.Brawny. Excellent strength. Has a 2 in 6 chance of opening doors or similar actions.
14.Burpy. Loudly burps regularly. Has a 1 in 6 chance of burping at any moment, even when trying not to. -1 reaction with "classy" people, +1 reaction with "down to earth" people.
15.Butcher. Cuts meat up for different cooking purposes. +1 to hit and dmg with a knife. Good strength.
16.Candlestick Maker. Turns string and beeswax into candles. Generally has 2d6+6 candles on self at any given time. Can reliably light a candle in one round.
17.Canine Lover. Has a pet canine, and gives its pet advantage in combat. Can move almost as fast as its pet when running with it (5 feet slower). Pet canine is smaller than it is, and very responsive to it.
18.Cautious. Not cowardly, but careful. Has advantage on finding traps and secret doors, but not on disarming them.
19.Chef. Makes a mess while cooking. Speaks with an accent. Still incomprehensible. Food tastes wonderful, and eating one of the chef's meals provides a +1 morale bonus to fortitude saves for the next day.
20.Civil Engineer. Can measure and perform calculations to determine how structurally sound a structure is, and what must be done to reinforce it or destroy it.
21.Climber. Will take any chance to climb anything it can see. (Un)fortunately very competent at this. 4 in 6 chance of climbing a sheer wall.
22.Clutz. If someone will fall, break something, or cause something to go wrong due to physical accidents, it's this character. Has a 1 in 6 chance of causing a device to (mal)function in a beneficial way when accidentally triggering them.
23.Compulsive pick-pocket. Will try to steal from someone whenever the opportunity presents itself. Has a 1 in 36 chance of doing so each round (12 on 2d6), and of being caught if unsuccessful (2 on 2d6). If successful, has a 1 in 6 chance of being noticed. It will try to steal from anyone and everyone, from its own leader to a pit fiend to an archangel.
24.Courier. Can cover wilderness terrain one quarter faster than normal, while carrying up to 60 lbs.
25.Cowboy. Has a stetson knockoff, and wears spurs. Adept at riding, herding, and lasooing. Good strength.
26.Crafty. Can make almost anything, given a reasonable amount of time.
27.Cutter. Wears a ridiculous number of knives, daggers, or swords, at least three of them hidden. Spends half its time sharpening blades. Always wants to cut people or things. Has a 1 in 6 chance of having one more slightly smaller blade hidden on its person.
28.Dancer. Very graceful and strong, but never simply walks when prancing or cha-chaing will do.
29.Distractable. Easily distracted from whatever they are focusing on at the moment, usually by the most interesting or flamboyant thing happening. Complains of boredom when there are no distractions.
30.Doc. Trys to heal everyone of everything. For any given day of treatment of someone fully resting, that person heals 1 additional hit point automatically, and has a 1 in 6 chance of healing an extra hit point. Can heal up to 6 characters at a time.
31.Dopey. A gullible idiot who pleasantly believes anything.
32.Dramatic Jerk. Will do things to irritate others in ways that misdirect their ire. Poking shoulders, tying shoelaces, using itching powder and putting the empty container in someone else's pack, and generally being a pain.
33.Drummer. Has some sort of drum on its person. Adept at playing it, either solo or as part of a marching band.
34.Ethicist. Will spend significant time considering and arguing the morality of a given action. Has a 1 in 6 chance of distracting someone else who discusses ethics with it, to the point that person has a 5 in 6 chance to continue discussing for each ten minute period after the first. Has (1d6): 1. Voluminous dark curly hair; 2. Whispy white hair with a bald patch; 3. Long thick reddish hair and beard; 4. Short wavy blonde hair with handlebar moustache; 5. Bald with black goatee; 6. Braided purple dreadlocks.
35.Face. Very social and congenial. Has a 1 in 6 chance of getting a useful rumor out of someone it talks to for ten minutes or more. Wears a 1. Kravat; 2. Bow tie; 3. Ascot; 4. Western tie; 5. scarf; 6. bandana.
36.Farmer. Good at raising and handling crops, handling animals, and anticipating the weather. Has a hoe (1d4 dmg, reach), good strength.
37.Feline Lover. Has a pet feline, and gives its pet advantage in combat. Can climb anything its feline is occupying.
38.Fisherman. Good strenght. Will try to spend time in a quiet place with a body of water which has fish in it, trying to catch them, either by hand or with a line. Has a 1 in 6 chance of catching enough for a single person's meal each ten minutes. Has a ften foot circular fishing net.
39.Flyer. Always trying to find ways to get and stay in there for as long as possible. Catapults, hang gliders, parachutes, saddles for giant bats or moths, or helicopters. Often enters a scene by dropping in.
40.Fool. Knows a little bit about many of things, and believes it knows much about everything. Will take any opportunity to talk about a topic, correct others, and generally show its knowledge. Has a 1 in 6 chance of saying something truly useful, completely by accident.
41.Generous. Will offer whatever it has to those in need, down to the shirt on its back. +1 to reaction rolls and gets double the normal rumors, but frequently has no possessions due to its nature.
42.Getaway Driver. Always interested in methods of transport, and will generally try to take such positions. Reasonably to surprisingly competent, but impatient to get going, which can lead to complications. Has a 1 in 6 chance of pulling off almost impossible maneuvers and of surviving crashes or other related setbacks without damage to self.
43.Glamourous Struts. Wears fancy and alluring clothes. Speaks with an accent that they think makes them sound sophisticated. Has a 1 in 6 chance of distracting anyone in view nearby, above and beyond normal chances.
44.Glutton. Always hungry. Will eat a meal an hour.
45.Gravedigger. Very good strength. Always has a shovel (can use as spear, 1d6 dmg). Can dig a 6 foot deep grave big enough for a human in an hour in soft soil. Doesn't talk much.
46.Groundskeeper. Good strength. Has gardening sheers. Excellent at landscaping, and with a shovel.
47.Grumpy. Good strength. Complains about anything and everything.
48.Gymnast/Acrobat. Can jump or tumble to almost anything. 2 in 6 chance to jump or tumble twice as far as reasonable.
49.Hedge Wizard. Always trying to read magical documents, and then duplicate the magic from them. Has a 1 in 36 chance per attempt to cast from scrolls or spellbooks it is using, or to activate wands or other wizardly devices. Most likely to be able to read and speak languages of other creatures. Must rest for an hour before trying this again.
50.Hippie. Good strength. Gets flowers, woven in its hair, and has clothing made of plants where possible. Not necessarily a pacifist. Has a 1 in 6 chance of having a desired herb or oil available. Can minister up to four others to allow them to heal an additional hit point per hit die per day. +1 to reaction rolls.
51.Hunter. Good strength. Good with a bow (+1 to hit). Has 30+d10 arrows in quiver.
52.Hydrophobic. Good strength. Avoids water as much as possible. Won't cross running water, and won't get into boats or cross rickety bridges. Ironically can find water anywhere, even a desert.
53.Infiltrator. Can disguise self as other general creatures of similar size (3 in 6 chance of success), and move with stealth in shadowy areas (1 in 6 chance).
54.Inquisitive. Always asking people about their experience with a thing. Has equipment for taking notes.
55.Knave. Can't give an honest answer to save its life. The only way it gives a truthful answer is if it was mistaken about what the truth actuall is. Has a sword (1d6 dmg) and shield.
56.Knight. Very good strenght. Always tells the truth. Has a sword (1d6 dmg) and shield. May have delusions of paladinhood.
57.Kung Fu Fighter. Very good strength. Good (for a minion) with physical combat. does 1d4 damage unarmed, and counts as armed the whole time.
58.Lone Wolf. Very good strength. Not good at working with others, usually does own thing without communicating with others. -1 to reaction rolls.
59.Magical Someone. Can cast a spell once per day as a level one magic user(1d6): 1. Magic Missile; 2. Charm Person; 3. Sleep; 4.Detect Magic; 5. Protection from Evil; 6. Shield.
60.Medic. Can cure a wound, up to 1d6 hp, once per day per person, within ten minutes after receiving the wound. +1 to reaction rolls.
61.Merchant. Very charismatic and socially aggressive. Always trying to figure out what people want, and then getting it for them in ways that benefit the merchant. Won't sell out its own people, except for hated individuals. +1 to reaction rolls.
62.Miner. Very good strenght. Has a pick. Adept at identifying ores, shoring up tunnles, and digging into hard materials with pick.
63.Missionary. Very charismatic and socially aggressive. Always trying to convert others to its own religion. Has a 1 in 36 chance of having a minor miracle happen to bolster its case. Examples include healing 1d4 dmg, finding a missing object within 100 ft., or having sustenance appear in its hands by coincidental means. Can only try each thing once per day, and only succeed on a miracle once a day. +1 to reaction rolls for those not already hostile to its religion.
64.Musical. Loves to play music. Constantly singing, humming, whistling, or playing a musical instrument. 1 in 36 chance of mesmerizing a creature with its music. +1 to reaction rolls.
65.Necrophile. Loves to attempt to commune with dead. Wears colors and items associated with death. Isn't necessarily looking to kill anyone. Has advantage on finding or identifying dead spirits in an area. +1 to reaction rolls with intelligent undead.
66.Optician. Focused to distraction on lens, mirrors, and glass prisms.
67.Parched. Always thirsty. Will drink until all liquids have been consumed, pausing only to free bladder space.
68.Pedantic. Good strength. Will always do things exactly as asked to do them. Will argue with others if they don't do things exactly as they were asked. -1 to reaction rolls.
69.Prankster. Always coming up with pranks to play on everyone else. Snakes or centipedes in boots, water bucket traps, and its one dose of itching powder on the shirt of the sapient it most dislikes on its own side. 1 in 6 chance to find--but not disable--fixed traps.
70.Pure. Animals are not frightened away by this character. Unicorns tolerate it. Immune to fear and diseases inflicted by creatures. Heals those touching it for 1 hp per turn (ten minutes). +1 to reaction rolls.
71.Pyromaniac: Always lighting fires, and poking at things that make or contain them. Has a 1 in 36 chance to start a fire in any given ten minute period. Usually somewhere not too obvious, due to a history of discouragement from others. -1 to reaction rolls.
72.Rat Catcher. Good strenght. Will try to find and eliminate any vermin nearby. Has a small viscious predatory pet who is good at driving or killing rats. Also has a heavy crossbow for shooting through floorboards, with 2d6 quarrels.
73.Roper. Loves to tie things up with string. Can tie anything up with enough line and existing restraint on that thing. Getting loose of its fastenings is particularly difficult. Has 50 feet of hemp rope.
74.Runner. A lithe and quick member of its species, it runs about 16% faster than others of its kind. Relatively lithe. Has a courier bag that could hold two large apples.
75.Sagacious. Always reads anything it can get its hands on, although usually with a preference for particular topics. Has a 1 in 36 chance to know a rumor about a topic which the party hasn't already heard. Has 2 tomes in an oiled leather bag, which has room for two more.
76.Sailor. Good strength. Can sail a water vessel competently, or assist in the sailing of a larger one, as part of a crew. Has (1d6): 1. Eye patch; 2. Peg leg; 3-4. Anchor tattoo on forearm; 5-6. tobacco pipe.
77.Scientist. Does physics and chemistry experiments. In a lab, has a 1 in 36 chance each round of causing (d6): 1. An explosion (2d6 dmg, 5 ft. radius), 2. A spray of acid (1d6 dmg, 10 ft. radius, on 5+ damage, continues damaging for another round), 3. Noxious fumes (5 ft. radius, save or pass out for 1d6 hours); 4. Cloud that smells of vanilla (10 ft. radius), 5. Glitter on everything in a 15 ft. radius (reveals invisible corporeal creatures); 6. A blinding flash of light (30 ft. radius, save or be blinded, take 1 dmg., undead take 2d6 dmg).
78.Sensitive. Starts crying when seeing someone who's hurt, even if it's not visible or physical. Will eventually explain why if asked, but this is done through enormous sobbing. Has two handkerchiefs.
79.Sesquipedalian. Whether orating or scribing, when it has the choice of using multiple words with similar meaning, will always choose the longest word. Avoids doing anything that involves not talking.
80.Shadow. Broody, always wears black. Has a 1 in 6 chance of hiding in shadows or moving silently. Has a blackened shiv, does 1d4 damage.
81.Shaman. Attired in animal bones, a skull for a headpiece, with feathers, antlers, horns, or other decorations. Has a 1 in 36 chance per minute to summon a nature spirit or elemental when getting one would help. Surprisingly hard to find in natural settings when hiding. Must rest for an hour trying this again. Use reaction rolls to determne the spirit's action, but roll 3 dice, dropping the lowest. Or this system might work well:
82.Shepherd. Cares for his sheep. Good at herding them, caring for them, and noticing if one has gone missing. Has a crooked staff and 1d6-2 sheep, minimum one. Staff does 1d6 dmg, advantage on attacks to trip.
83.Shorty. Half as tall as the average member of its type.
84.Sleepy. Narcoleptic. Has a 1 in 6 chance of being asleep at any given minute. 1 in 6 chance of not being found when sleeping, even though it is later found to be somewhere someone actually looked.
85.Sneezy. Sneezes at almost anything: bright lights, spices, dust, or pollen in the air. 1 in 6 chance of sneezing in any given round, even when trying not to.
86.Sniffy. Constantly sniffling.
87.Stoic. Will quietly watch what is going on without reacting emotionally. Can be asked about what they saw after. Fine at defending themselves, but only attack at half the normal rate, although with a +2 bonus.
88.Super Chipper. Always smiling and being positive, even in the face of overwhelming sarcasm. Some find their positivity annoying.
89.Super Confuzzled. Basically the mental equivalent of Clutz: if there's a right way and a wrong way to execute a concept, it will execute it the wrong way 5 times in 6.
90.Super Sarcastic. Always dropping sarcastic comments, even when it's not appropriate. Some find their sarcasm refreshing and delightful.
91.Tailor/Seamstress. With a needle and thread, sheers, and some fabric, can make almost anything that can be made with fabric. Sheers do 1d3 dmg, though with them this minion can do 1d10 against taut fabric or fibres.
92.Tinker. Will poke at any new gadget it has not seen before until it figures out how it works. Clocks, traps, mills, automatons, or anything else that works based on mechanical or electrical principles. Has a 1 in 36 chance of temporarily suspending the function of traps or devices for 1d6 minutes.
93.Toothy. Loves teeth, including necklaces made of them, and armor modification that includes tusks or teeth from huge creatures. Usually has a skull as part of a helmet as well. +1 to damage against living creatures with particularly prominent teeth. -1 to reactions with cityfolk, +1 to reactions with people who like its jewelry.
94.Torchbearer. Has 1d6+2 torches, flint, and steel. +1 morale. 5 in 6 chance to have lighting be perfect despite awkward positions.
95.Trumpeteer. Always carries a trumpet. Adept at riding a mount. Calls forth maneuvers.
96.Tuba Player. Always wrapped in a Tuba (+4 AC). Can't use a weapon. Can make very loud lower spectrum noises.
97.Tubby. As wide as it is tall.
98.Unobtrusive. Tucks itself into corners, niches, boxes, or between couch cushions, and is quiet to the point that they are missed. Freezes until a critical moment when violence breaks out. 1 in 6 chance of hiding in plain sight. Double damage on its first attack after hiding.
99.Vampiric. Dresses in black, frequently wears clothing with bat or skull motifs. Avoids holy symbols and sunlight. Not actually vampiric, but undead accept it as one of their own. Has a blackened dagger with a (1d6): 1. Rose motif; 2. Vampire motif; 3. Bat motif; 4. Wolf motif; 5. Skull motif; 6. Ankh motif.
100.Warlock. Has an imp familiar. Has a 1 in 6 chance of creating a jet of flame when trying in any given round (10-foot line, 1d6 dmg).


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