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d100 Elven Trinkets

Elven Trinkets

Gifts from elves!

They have a detectable but faint aura of magic.

The mechanics should not be disclosed to the player, except through game play.  

If more than one token is carried at a time, only the one closest to the token carrier's body is the one that is in effect.  If there is any contention or ambiguity, none work.  

Some GMs may want a token to have been carried for a full day before the bearer can activate it.

1Panther ClawThe bearer deals 1d4 normal combat damage with unarmed combat.
2Golden EggIf the person carrying this dies, they are reincarnated, consuming the egg in a small spontaneous fire.  They appear within a turn knowing the party and 75% of their previous incarnation's memories, although their knowledge may be different.
3Golden TwigIf the person carrying this takes a hit which would kill them, the twig instead turns into a normal dried twig, and crumbles into multiple pieces, and that character instead only takes one damage.
4Owl SkullThe bearer and their allies gain +1 to avoid surprise when carried.
5Amber Bee EaringsWhen the bearer removes these earrings and throws them into the air, they turn into two bees which fly around for a turn, exploring the area. The bearer perceives anything within 10 ft. of them when they close their eyes.
6Panther FangThe bearer gains +1 to hit with a blade when carried.
7Brass Cuckoo Bird CharmWhen trying to hide in a crowd, the bearer is not noticed by searchers.
8Blackened Tin Cat CharmOnce per day, the bearer can jump from one shadow to another within 30 ft.  The bearer becomes aware of this when they are in a patch of shadow with another patch of shadow visible.
9Silver Moon CharmLycanthropes struck by the bearer must save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.  When a lycanthrope resists this paralysis, the token goes inert until the next dusk.
10Golden Sun CharmThe bearer's melee attacks against vampires do +1d6 radiant damage, and emit bright white flashes with each hit.
11Silver Star CharmIllusions touched by the bearer are dispelled.
12Silver Crescent CharmLycanthropes only do half damage to the bearer, and cannot inflict lycanthropy upon them.
13Triangular Prism CharmWhen the bearer wakes up in sunlight, they gain an extra first level spell slot. Non-casters instead gain a +2 bonus to save vs. spells until they fail such a save.
14Silver Hypercube CharmWhen the bearer sees someone dimensional travel (teleport, gates, etc.), they gain a good sense of where they have gone.
15Silver RingThe bearer can vaguely see ethereal creatures that overlap with your mundane world location.
16Golden Boar CharmTargets hit by the bearer after charging them must save or are knocked back 5 ft.
17Blunt DaggerThe bearer cannot be detected by divination spells.
18Glass HammerAgainst constructs, the bearer inflicts meele damage as a follows (d6): 1. 1 dmg; 2. 2 dmg; 3. 4 dmg; 4. 8 dmg; 5. 16 dmg; 6. 32 dmg.
19Paper Eagle OrigamiWhen the bearer unfolds the token's wings and throws it into the air, it hovers 60 ft. above you, maintaining its station for one turn. The bearer sees from it when closing their eyes.
20Onyx Wolf FigurineWhen the bearer throws this at a hard surface, it shatters and becomes part of a summoned  shadow wolf to fight at your side. When the wolf dies, the fragments reform into the figurine. It cannot be used again for a week.
21Lead Blind Man Figurine
When the bearer fights a creature at least 8 times as massive as you and twice as tall, you do double damage to it.
22Jet Black Silky Humanoid DollWhen the bearer encounters an insubstantial creature, it is substantial to the bearer in every way.
23Silky Dragon DollThe bearer does double damage in melee combat with dragons. They can sense the effect of this charm, and seek to destroy it as quickly as possible.
24Crystal OrbThis navel orange-sized token can be used as a magnifying glass. When the bearer gazes into it for a turn while focusing on scrying, they can make a charisma check to see some random occurrence between two creatures within 1 mile
25Laquered Red Dragon Wing BroochThe bearer takes half damage from fiery dragon breath specifically.
26Royal Blue Silky Humanoid DollWhile held in the bearer's hand, the bearer understands the first sentence or sentence fragment they see each day written in a language they do not understand.
27Copper and Jade Leaf BroochWhile worn, the bearer leaves no trail or scent while traveling.
28Malachite Holly BroochWhile worn, the bearer gains +1 to reaction rolls with wild animals and sylvan beasts.
29Bone WandWhile held, the bearer is ignored by mindless undead.
30Onyx Sun BroochWhile worn, the bearer is ignored by angels unless the bearer actively tries to catch their attention or antagonize them.
31Garnet Flame BroochWhile worn, fire does half damage to you, and you gain +2 to save against related effects.
32Diamond Windgust BroochWhile worn, the bearer takes half damage from air and wind effects and gains +2 to save against related effects including natural lightning strikes.
33Turquoise Raindrop BroochWhile worn, the bearer takes half damage from cold- or ice-based effects, and you gain +2 to save against related effects.
34Golden Fey CrownWhile worn, fey creatures must make a save prior to taking any action against the bearer. The bearer can see invisible fey and gets +1 to strike them.
35Golden CircletWhile worn, fey creatures must make a save prior to noticing the bearer.
36Knitted Racoon TokenOnce per day, for one minute, the bearer may use a thief skill as a thief of their level. Thief characters instead get a +15% or +1 in 6 chance (as appropriate) for one turn when using a thief skill.
37Quartz Blue Jay BroochOnce per day, after opponents declare combat intention, the wearer may force an attacker within 60 ft. to instead move towards and attack the wearer with its next action.
38Raven Feather BroochOnce per day, after intent to attack is declared against the wearer, the wearer may cause an explosion of black shapes and feathers where it is standing, giving the attacker a 5-in-6 chance of completely missing the target with each attack it can make that round.
39Mottled Black and White Knitted Rat TokenOnce per day, the wearer may turn into a mottled black & white rat for one turn.
40Olive Wood ChaliceOnce per day, the wearer may dip this into running water to have it purify that pint of water, and heal the first drinker for 1d6 hp.
41Maple Whistling ArrowWhen fired or thrown, it repeatedly emits whatever short sound the shooter makes when it's shot.  If used as a weapon, it does half normal arrow damage.
42Blue-lensed SpectaclesThe wearer perceives magical items within 10 ft. glimmering when seen under moonlight.
43Silver-laced Silken RopeAs an exceptional but normal rope, but comes undone when grabbed and pulled with the intention of pulling it down.
44Sparkling Quartz StoneFor one turn, the bearer can spend a minute concentrating while standing still to determine if there is any gold within a 15 ft. cone in that direction. If so, the bearer gets a sense of the amount and concentration of that gold (e.g. "20 coins worth, in one contiguous lump", or "5,000 coins worth, distributed evenly through the volume"). In order to recharge this stone, it must be buried at in earth at least five feet deep and left undisturbed for a week.
45Anchor TokenThe bearer cannot be teleported, transported via another dimension, or in any other way transported in a discontinuous way.
46Canary Wing BroochFor damage calculation purposes, the fall distance of the bearer counts as 30 ft. less than normal.
47Golden Locket of Fey Queen's Hair+1 to all reaction rolls with fey creatures.
48Copper spike through White AventurineWhile worn, lightning strikes against you are reduced to 1 damage if you roll 5 or less on your modified save.  If it prevents more than 50 damage in one turn, it shatters, dealing one impact damage to the wearer. (This assumes roll-under saves)
49Gaspeite Frog TokenThe bearer of this token is able to breathe under water for 1 turn. The frog must be left in a puddle or pan of water in direct sunlight for a full day to recharge it.
50Lightning in a BottleOnce per day, when uncorked, unleashes a bolt of lightning shoots straight out of the neck of the bottle, doing 3d8 electrical damage.  It must be corked for twelve hours corked to be recharge.
51Oak Humanoid TokenWhenever the bearer is burned, this token takes half that damage, up to 147 points of damage. As it absorbs damage, it becomes charred, until it crumbles into ash when it takes the full damage limit.
52White Kyanite Humanoid TokenStarting at midnight, for up to one hour, the bearer may transition between the ethereal and mundane realms at will. In order to recharge this token, it must bath in the light of a full moon for four hours.
53Vial of BloodWhile the vial is filled with blood, the bearer is immune to all effects of vampires. If the vial is drunk by a vampire, it will be cured of vampirism. The vial will not refresh for a decade. If the vial is drunk by a living creature, they heal 1 hp, and the vial refreshes on a new moon.
54Vial of MilkDrinking the milk in the vial counts as consuming a meal and heals 1 hp. It replenishes every morning at dawn.
55Vial of TearsWhile carried, the bearer gets a new save each week against curses cast on them while they carried the vial.
56Golden Bow BroochThis brooch provides a +1 bonus to AC against physical projectiles, and negates up to -2 in penalties to strike with a bow, including range penalties.
57Small Wooden Music BoxPlays music when opened. When played while resting, provides a +1 bonus to morale checks for allied henchmen and hirelings until the next combat, but at GM's discretion may also prompt a wandering monsters check.
58Witchwood Executioner's Sword TokenStyled in the form of an elven executioner's sword, when the command word is spoken, the next melee strike by the bearer--if successful--inflicts additional damage equal to half the bearer's charisma score, rounded down. On a natural 1 to hit with that strike, the bearer must succeed on a wisdom check, or it will explode, inflicting 1d3 dmg to the bearer.  Must spend six hours inside a skull to recharge.
59Black Oak Horse TokenWhile riding a horse, re-roll failed rolls to remain mounted or to control that horse.  Damage rolls against that horse have disadvantage.
60Witchwood Spider Grappling HookThis grappling hook, when thrown, will crawl to and grab noteworthy protrubences clostest to where it lands, and hold tightly. Since it is mat black, it will be difficult to see it in the dark. It will bear up to 800 lbs. of weight, and weighs nothing when carried, but two pounds when in use.
61Rabbit's FootThe bearer gains +1 to all saves. On a natural 20 to save, it goes dormant until midnight.
62Brass Sailing Ship TokenWhen the bearer throws this token into water deeper than 10 ft., it erupts into a flurry of motion for a minute, unfolding to eventually become a wooden sixareen, complete with ballast, 6 pairs of oars, and a single square sale that is useful only when the weather is favorable. It seats only six, although one or two more adult humans could be squeezed onto the boat. The boat does not refold into a token.
63Bellowing Lionhead TokenThe bearer can yell loud enough to make themselves clearly heard in a cone 80 ft. long and wide in front of them.  At the GM's discretion, this may trigger a wandering monster check.
64White Opal Unicorn's Head BroochWhile worn, once per night, if the wearer touches the brooch to someone poisoned or diseased, they may make a save against their affliction. If successful, they are completely cured, and this token must be left in the light of a full moon for 4 hours before it will function again.
65Rainbow Moonstone Eye BroochUnder moonlight, the bearer sees invisible creatures.
66Peregrin Wing BroochUnder open sky, the wearer may speak the command word inscribed on the underside, to instantly gain an additional 40 ft. of movement each round for the next turn, causing the feathers on the brooch to fall off, and the brooch to become mundane.
67Silver Barracuda BroochIf the wearer is submerged in water, it will turn into a huge barracuda, incorporating all their carried gear, until it jumps out of the water and spends 1d3 rounds drying out, at which point the bearer returns to their normal form. The brooch must be left in running water for one week before it will work again.
68Laquered Badger BroochThe wearer gets +4 AC and +1 to hit against targets at least one size step larger than it.
69Black Labradorite Carved Snake BroochWhile worn, the wearer gains +2 to saves against poisons, and can re-attempt the save after one round of suffering from the poison.
70Black Opal Bear BroochWhile worn, the wearer heals an extra hit point on each full night's rest.
71Wide Brimmed Conical Felt HatWhile worn by a spell caster, the wearer gains +2 to save vs. spells and magical effects of creatures, but cannot cast spell effects further than 30 ft. away. Other wearers gain +1 to save vs. spells and magical effects.
72Carved Marble Sphinx StatuetteThis statuette weighs 1 lb. At dusk, the bearer may telepathically ask it a question, then is telepathically posed a riddle. The inquirer is mute until they answer the riddle, or until dawn. If answered correctly, the sphinx telepathically answers the question truthfully, or answer "I do not know". The statuette knows common knowledge for the area. For uncommon knowledge, it has a 1 in 3 chance of knowing. For esoteric knowledge, it has a 10% chance of knowing. For lost knowledge (unknown to all living mortals) it has a 1% chance of knowing. What it knows changes from night to night, and location to location. The inquirer has no way of knowing whether a question is common, uncommon, esoteric, or lost knowledge.
73Turquoise Thundercloud TokenWhen the bearer throws this token up into the air, it causes a thunderstorm to erupt, covering an area 120 ft. in radius. It lasts for 1 turn, with 3d8 damage lightning randomly striking 3 high points within the area each round, and a torrential downpour that limits visibility to 30 ft. and makes smooth, muddy, and channeled surfaces slippery and difficult.  It never strikes within 15 ft. of whomever activated it.
74Brass Miniature Book TokenWhen placed on a book, scroll case, or other container with writing on it, turns black if the writing contains a threat, such as a trap activated by reading, or a memetic hazard. Returns to normal coloration when removed.
75Ivory Snowy Mountain Peak BroochWhile on the ground or a structure touching the ground, the wearer gets +4 to strike flying targets. They always take -1 to strike targets standing on ground or structures touching the ground.
76Granite Mountain BroochWhile worn, the wearer can climb outdoors or stone surfaces as though they were a thief with climb walls of 65%, so all but the sheerest surfaces are automatically climbable.
77Laquered River BroochWhile in running water, the wearer gets +4 to AC against targets not in that water. They are -1 to strike against creatures submerged in running water.
78Jumping Spider BroochOnce per combat, the wearer may make a flying jump to attack a target within 20 ft., using 20 ft. of movement, and gaining +2 to strike, but -2 to AC until the wearer's next round.
79Grey Granite Skull TokenIf the wearer concentrates on the skull of a dead creature they are holding, they see the last 6 seconds the eye(s) in that skull saw before they died. This token must be left sitting in the open on a burial plot or a crypt with at least a dozen corpses interred within for a full day before it may be used again.
80Blue Laquered Bird Dog BroochThe wearer may choose to follow a specific target it can see. If that target goes beyond its sight, the brooch will emit an intangible blue bird dog that will lead the wearer after the target, even if they are beyond sight. This stops if the wearer becomes immune to scrying, invisible to sight, leaves this plane, or becomes immune to divination in general. The effect otherwise lasts for one hour, until the target dies, or until the wearer touches the target.  Before using this again, the wearer must submerge overnight in a dish of fresh blood, which disappears by dawn.
81Onyx Gate BroochWhen the command word inscribed on the back of this brooch is spoken while the wearer is touching a flat expanse of wall or a doorway, a gate forms, opening to a fixed particular location in the plane of shadows. This location is chosen at the time this charm is made, and cannot be influenced by the wearer. It has no ability to from a gate from the plane of shadows to anywhere else.
82Silvered Brass Pocket MirrorIllusions are not reflected in this mirror.  Gaze attacks reflected in the mirror are negated.  Shape changers are shown in their true form.
83Lyre TokenThe bearer entrances an audience within 60 ft. for ten minutes with their playing of an actual lyre, balliset, or other conventional strummed stringed instrument.  Anyone not paying attention to the performer is granted a save to resist the effect.  The effect ends if any member of the audience takes any damage or is attacked.  As a sound-dependent effect, this effect also has no effect or ends on audience members unable to hear it.
84Poplar Violin TokenWhen the command word is spoken by the holder, the violin enlarges to the size of a violin comfortable for the wearer, with a matching bow with unicorn hair appearing in the other hand. When the command word is spoken again, it shrinks back to token form while the bow disappears. The command word is burned into the back of both forms in Elvish script. The bearer is also immune to malicious sound- or language-based effects.
85Bronze Capped Hunting Horn Token
Any bearer speaking the command word burned in Elvish into the back of this token turns it into a full size horn, or back to a token.  Sounding this horn will induce fear in creatures within 60 ft. in the quarter arc that they are facing. The sound provokes wandering monster checks.
86Ivory Goat's Head BoochThe wearer may eat any organic material without getting revolted or ill, and gains nourishment from it, and also makes them immune to imbibed poisons.
87Ivory Stag BroochWhile worn in a wooded terrain, the wearer is guaranteed to encounter large game when they hunt.  They are not guaranteed to bring down their quarry.
88Thorny Rose BroochWhen the wearer is grappled or swallowed, they inflict 1d6-1 piercing damage to other grapple participants.
89Brass Ouroboros BraceletThe bearer gets +2 to death saves. If the bearer fails a save vs. death which would result in them dying, this token gives them a second roll to try to succeed. If successful, it becomes insubstantial to the wearer, and will never work for them again in this way..
90Witchwood SwordThe bearer is proficient with all manner of swords.
91Black Oak-Carved Antlered Helm BroochAt night and outside, if pursuing another creature, gain +1 to reaction rolls with any canines or fey. With a friendly or enthusiastic result, they will join the pursuit until dawn, or they prey is captured.
92Black Oak-Carved Shield BroochAt night and outside, if the bearer wields a shield, it provides an additional +1 to armor class.
93Demantoid Garnet Robin BroochWhile worn, the wearer can understand the speech of birds within 30 ft. Most of this speech is vapid or survival oriented, so it quickly gets boring, but can occasionally warn of threats, and is constantly on.
94Leafy ParasolWhile opened and carried to shield the bearer from the sun, creatures observing from above or via divination, the wearer will misidentify the bearer as a tree.
95Ivory Skull TokenThe bearer may ask three questions of the spirit which belonged to a corpse, skeleton, or ghost they are touching, or one question if they do not share a common language. The spirit must answer the question(s) asked truthfully, but including that they do not know. This works on once living creatures who have lost their souls or had their souls destroyed, because it doesn't tap their actual soul, but the imprint their soul left in the current vessel. This token must be left sitting in the open on a grave for one week before it may be used again.
96Oxidized Interlocking Brass Gears BroochWhen the wearer would trigger a mechanical trap, there is a 2-in-6 chance of the trap instead failing due to some form of entropy. Triggered traps roll damage at disadvantage if triggered.
97Marble Sundial BroochBy speaking the command word, the wearer may rewind time by one round, and take a different action. Out of combat, it instead rewinds time by a turn.  Everyone else takes the same actions, with the same results, unless the wearer interacts differently with them with their new action. This token may be recharged by leaving it under open sky for seven full days and nights.
98Bronze Magnetic CompassWorks as a normal compass. When the command word is spoken by the bearer, it conveys the shortest reasonable path to the bearer's intended destination in the bearer's mind, accommodating the current mode of transportation. Each time it is activated, it has a 1-in-20 chance of disappearing when the bearer goes to sleep.
99Great Horned Owl Feather TokenDuring dusk and dawn and under open sky, the bearer can see in the dark as though it were still bright.
100Golden Dawn TokenWhen the token is thrown into the air, it will rise to 120 ft. in the air, then ignite into bright sunlight, brightly illuminating everything within 180 ft. in sunlight. This consumes the token.




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