This was my contribution to a workshop request for effects of skeletons or other "bone creatures". It's untested.
- Skeleton that grapples you, then wraps itself around target, automatically doing 1d3 damage each round. Attacks targeting this skeleton that do over 3 damage instead do 3 damage, and the excess is applied to the target wrapped by the skeleton. The target can get out by doing a Strength or Dexterity check at -6.
- After dying, the parts of the skeleton continue to fight you, potentially tripping, blinding, or just making noise bonking against shields or armor. Anyone within 5 feet of where the skeleton dies is -1 to all checks, and on a roll of a natural 4 on d20 checks, takes one of the following (roll d3):
- Blinded for one round.
- Save or get tripped.
- Latches on to armor, shield, or clothing, making noise or causing 1 damage each round.
- After dying, release the spirit that was animating them. Spirit forms there for a few seconds, looking solemnly while, blocking vision, then does one of the following:
- Smiles, then dissipates.
- Screams, deafening those within 5 ft. who fail to save for a round, then dissipates.
- Follows silently behind someone, silently cheering for 1d6 rounds before dissipating.
- Turns monstrous, tries to swallow its target, merely blinding it for one round. The following round, it panics as it gets sucked down by some force unfelt by any other creatures.
- Gets a glowing white aura, and then slowly accelerates upward, healing its target for 1d3 hp while it does so.
- Looks panicky, then tries to put the skeleton back together for a minute before dissipating.
- Skeleton that dissolves into dust when it "dies", potentially blinding and choking those near it/within 5 ft.
- Skeleton that wraps its bones around target's legs as it dies, hobbling target. Can be broken with 4 damage, but still lose 10 ft. of movement until target spends a minute to completely free legs.
- Skeleton that locks its arms around one of targets, impeding their attacks or defense due to the weight.
- Skeleton that tries to impales its pointy bits (fingers/ribs/toes/etc.) into critical points, either inflicting damage directly or damaging armor.
- Skeleton releases a wisp of negative energy, temporarily sapping the strength of those nearby.
- Skeleton pauses for 1d6 x 3 seconds, then starts using its hands to put itself back together again. Takes 1d6 x 20 seconds to finish.
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